You’ll Live

Women with tattoos become far less desirable to most men. These women then go on to feel that they are being rejected by those men “for no good reason.” And this makes them insanely angry1.

Women in general almost never get to feel what incels feel. It’s telling that their reactions to being spurned are 100% identical to the general incel response. This just shows that even as different as men and women can sometimes seem, we’re still mostly the same. Especially for women who are particularly unaccustomed to rejection, if someone else has standards that exclude you it feels like a personal slight.

But as women always smugly tell men who endure storms of lifelong rejection: Get the fuck over it. Welcome to the real world where actions have consequences. You’ll live.

  1. Of course, this is women foot-shooting. The vast majority of the top 1% men these women are chasing do not want a woman blighted with tattoos.


These threads are always puzzling to me because with rare exception I don’t want to chat or “connect’ with anyone in any office or at work and I don’t want to know anyone there on a personal level.

My co-workers are not my friends, nor do I want them to be. It does not mean I can’t be friendly with them; I am perfectly polite and approachable. I am not a jerk. But none are my friends because the reality is most would toss me under the bus if it came down to their job or me.

That is the actual reality of the working world.

I know I’m unusual and my reaction to that thread highlights it, I think. Terrible extroverts are gonna always attempt to get me to RTO, and I will always give a big hearty laugh and a loud FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUU.


Something I think that women in general do not understand about men walking at night or whatever is that we run about the same risk as getting assaulted (though not sexually assaulted, which does matter), we just don’t care as much.

And that makes a difference! We take more risks, even when the risk is greater. Women imagine men live in this fairy-tale-like peril-free state where we do whatever we want. But no. That ain’t the way it is. Women are just more neurotic (in the clinical sense) and risk-averse than men. Women will not do something even when the actual danger for them is lower than it is for men. On average, of course! People are all different and the sexes have some overlap.

Nature, nurture, who the fuck knows? And it’s an admixture of all that and more of course. I’m mainly trying to dispel the notion that men live in this risk-free utopia. Nope. We just accept the risk and move on with our lives and still get shit done.

Double Not

I think about this 2-3 times a day too. People will say things are “impossible” that they literally experienced themselves! It’s so fucking oddball. Like, gramps, you went to college for free in 1973 — don’t tell me it’s “impossible” that it could be done today. Other countries are still doing that! It’s double not impossible.

There’s also a passel of liberal doofshits who declare — and have been declaring for two decades — the gains we’ve been making for years in batteries and solar are “impossible.” And one day, they’ll be right. After both have improved a thousand times over and gotten 10,000 times cheaper.

The world is filled with goobers.

Re-sent the Resentment

That’s true. I am deeply resentful because of and actually fucking hate all the people who spent so long telling me crap like, “You need to learn MATH! No matter what it takes! It’s the FUTUREEEEEEEEE!!!!111” And then making me do so against my will and skill.

Fuck you. Fuck you forever. The best path for me is to have been put in immersive language programs and such from three years old. I could’ve easily been fluent in 15+ languages by the time I was 18. Easily. That is my superpower and if I had been allowed to concentrate on that I would be so dominant none could stand before me. I’m still really good but there’s no replacement for learning stuff like that early — both because your brain is more plastic and because there is just more time.

I deeply to the bottom of my heart loathe, loathe anyone and everyone who made me spend a single fucking second on math instead of what I should’ve been doing. May every last one of you suffer in hell for all time for that sin against me.


At work now, I’m doing a project by myself (in addition to all my other duties) that normally a team of 10-20 people would handle.

And I’m ’bout over it. I mean, I’m really fucking good. I can do it; I’m the equal of 10+ normies on even a bad day. But the question is, do I want to?


There’s been a spate of “empowering” novels recently about older women having affairs and dalliances with younger men. And I have no problem with this. I put “empowering” in quotes because why is it empowerment when a woman does it, but not when a man does?

It should be equally empowering if you assume that adult women are not children. Mainly I am just tired of prudery and the relationship police. Equality means exactly that. Let’s have women above the age of majority be treated as adults at all times, not exclusively only when it benefits them. That’ll make for a better world for all.


EVERY fucking woman alive should read this, especially the ones who demand that men intervene in situations or public harassment. You don’t know what the fuck you are asking for. I have intervened is such situations and all times but a couple it’s been a fight. Luckily, I have never gotten shot though I got hit so hard in the side of the head one time that I felt it for weeks after.

For claiming to know so much about men (they don’t), women are utterly goddamn clueless in this area. Just laughably stupid with only a few exceptions. And the guy is exactly right. I’m strong, I’m fast and I have no problem with violence. Without a taser or something, though, there is no chance I can restrain most guys. I basically have to try as hard as I can to kill them before they kill me. That’s the way it is in reality. And that is true of guys even a lot bigger than I am. Women do not understand how strong even average guys are. There is a reason even large police officers need 3-4 of them together to restrain even scrawny-ass rednecks. It’s not because the police officers are weak. It’s because it’s very, very hard to restrain a full-grown male who is angry and not afraid to fuck you up if you give him even a free hand.

In other words, if I were Daniel Penny I probably would’ve killed that dude too. One of the reasons I do not ride public transit is because I do not want to put myself in such situations where it is likely I’d need to take someone out.

Sorry, women, but all of that is true. And if you can’t read that thread leave a comment and I’ll send you the whole thing in PDF form. You all need to understand this.

Mind the Gap Gap

The Bradford nurse who married train driver who saved her life.

Great story, but Gen Z would see this as “sus” and harassment as a man talked to a strange woman in public. And there is an age gap.

Therefore, in their minds, he should have just let her off herself. To avoid any appearance of impropriety of course.

Lord, if I were single I’d date a 23-year-old just to piss those clowns off. And so I could drink her blood to rejuvenate myself1.

  1. That blood part is intended to be funny, cuz no one can tell anymore.