Cared Enough

In many ways, my dad was not a good father. He was very different from me, or even my sister, and didn’t really understand either of us. He was overly critical while offering really no guidance to speak of on how to be better, on how to improve.

But one thing of use I did get from him is when someone complained incessantly about something without making any effort to change it, he’d say, “If you actually cared that much, you’d have already done something about it.” And I think that’s quite a valuable insight. That’s one of the reasons I am so critical of fail-promoting movements like Fat Acceptance and inceldom. They wallow. They revel in their failure. They do not want to get better.

Some people look at it as bullying if you tell people they could improve their situation and do not mince words about it. Whatevs. I’m truly glad someone did that for me. My father’s insight there is one of the reasons I decided to join the army, which was probably the best thing I ever did with my life.

If it’s bullying to say, “You know, maybe, just maybe, you could improve your life,” so be it I guess.

Dogged Idea

My most controversial opinion is that hardly anyone should own dogs and if they do, it should only be under these circumstances:

  • Must have at least 5 acres of land to own a canine.
  • Must not live anywhere incoporated (so no cities/towns).
  • Must have $500,000 of medical liability insurance in case your dog attacks someone.
  • Must have a dog owner’s license renewed yearly and be subject to mandatory inspections of the dog’s living conditions twice a year.
  • If you receive more than two noise or aggression complaints, the dog is taken away.

None of this would never be made into a law or regulation anywhere because of all the dog-obsessed people. But should be.


Isn’t that some weird shit? To younger millennials and Gen Z, anything to do with a romantic context for meeting is invalid and “harassment.” It’s no wonder they don’t have kids; they don’t understand romance, don’t have sex, and think being attracted to the person you’re with is some sort of insult.

That’s some screwed up stuff there.

Bad Weird

The Year When My Husband Started to Act Like a Tsundere Teenage Girl to Get My Attention.

This is probably fake, but even if it’s real they both sound like just huge pieces of shit.

So let me get this straight, Korean woman wants to immigrate to the US, hooks up with the first guy who is nice to her, marries him for the green card and he ends up being a weirdo? SHOCKED! SHOCKED, I TELL YOU!

The guy seems like a total dud and perhaps an actual pedophile, but remember that we’re only getting one side of the story. And it seems like she never liked him in the first place. I do wonder how much of what he was doing just to attempt to get some sort of reaction, any kind at all, out of her? She seems so incredibly passive, like a slumberous passenger in her own marriage. She appears to have had zero care nor concern for her husband at all. If my partner started doing out-of-character weird crap, I’d try to get the bottom of it, try to help her. The woman who wrote this seems not to have a single actual concern about it other than her own self-interest.

I don’t believe this story for a second, especially the way it’s told; it’s just creepypasta of the worst incel tropes all mashed together into some sort of implausible biscuit designed to inflame the war of the sexes — but even if it were true, both of them are vile in their own particular ways.

It Was a Time

It was a lab leak, of course. But wasn’t it just wild in Feb-Mar 2020? I had people that are now mask-crazy insisting masks don’t work and were racist (??), and that not shaking hands was also racist, and that buying extra food was absurd because “nothing is going to happen.” All of that has been memory-holed and is “conspiracy theory” now. But it all happened.

What a time!

Group Theory

I’m glad that none of my friends really know each other and that I don’t talk much with any of my family. I could not stand being in group chats and I would upset everyone by being asked not to be included. Group chats just sound like the most miserable creations in existence.

I’m just so anti-social. I simply do not like most of the things most people enjoy. I had no trouble, though, hanging with my extremely extroverted friend in the UK for nearly a week. But that’s because she respects when I need to be alone, is self-aware, and is also big-brained.

Individual people I like. But I hate all groups.

I Think I’m

My gf is nearly perfect, but she’s too dumb to be with.

This is sad. I know I said I’m an elitist. And I am. That reiterated adequately, there is also nothing wrong with being dumb. It’s usually not much of a choice. However, there is something wrong with being a dumbass. The girl in question is not smart, but she does not sound like a dumbass.

The guy would very much be a dumbass, though, for staying with her. He’ll eventually get annoyed and treat her poorly, and she doesn’t deserve that at all. Dumb people should have good lives too.

Up Give

What exactly changed with dating that so many men are giving up on it?

Social media has really harmed women. Like, very deeply wounded them. It’s terrible to see.

But part of this is that the majority of women date for validation while the majority of men date for love, sex and companionship. Again, not true of everyone! Some men also date for validation etc. But when I was actively dating, I noticed a lot of women were just there to be admired.

And that was not for me.

Horseshoe Theory

It’s been wild watching the left and the right creep back towards supporting Nazism due to backing Russia against Ukraine. It’s really fucking odd, I know, but the logic (as hinted at in the post below) seem to be this:

1) If countries hadn’t fought back against the Nazis as the invasion of Europe occurred, peace would’ve been preserved.

2) Russia invaded Ukraine and Ukraine chose to resist.

3) Therefore, Ukraine is culpable as they did not “peacefully” surrender.

4) Thus, the Nazis were also a-ok because if all of Europe had just peacefully surrendered to them too, all would’ve been well! Like Russia, after all, they had “valid” security concerns.

5) Then, obviously, Ukraine is the real bad guy here for resisting Putin’s peaceful war/genocide.

Alas, I saw someone I once really respected arguing the above not long ago, in nearly those exact steps. All those people should really move to Russia and become part of one of Putin’s meat wave attacks.