
At the hands of the CIA, many prisoners endure all sorts of unimaginable torture without cracking. These fate-cursed people withstand the most vile torments you don’t even want to think about. They resist the urge to cry out to their torturers what is demanded and instead retreat into the hardened redoubts of their minds. Each of them stands firm as pain wracks their bodies from all the shattered kneecaps and fingernails extracted slowly by rusty pliers.

But every single one of them breaks when the vegan food is wheeled into the dimly-lit room of suffering. Not a soul among them is able to abide the smell nor sight of this fresh new abomination that rises above all other misfortunes. It takes merely a glance at the desiccated vegan cheese, the wretched vegan hamburger and worst of all, the clabbered vegan fish and the prisoners start chirping like birds. They spill it all. They leave nothing on the table — except the vegan food.

Low Bar

Sometimes, recruiters take a glance at my rรฉsumรฉ, just for kicks. And sometimes, they don’t even try:

But with ChatGPT, anyone can be an attorney these days! Though I’m not sure what I’ll say when I’m in front of the judge and they ask me about the precedent I cited from Elmer Fudd v. Bugs Bunny. But hey, I can’t be disbarred if I was never barred in the first place!

Come on ChatGPT, let’s do this.

Name and Shame

It’s probably better that I did not have kids. Because if I’d had a boy, I would’ve named him “Ptoughneigh.” That’s “Tony” to normies.

And if a girl, I would’ve named her “Moniker.” I’d tell people that it was the name of her name, which is also “Moniker.” Her middle name, of course, would be “Appellation.”

My kids would certainly have loved me. I can feel it.